Exhibition @ EPE'23 ECCE Europe:
As with previous editions, an industrial (and scientific) exhibition will be part of the event.
Interested exhibitors can contact us by sending an e-mail to Nancy.Langsberg@vub.be

Gold sponsor
Platinium sponsor
Silver sponsor
Contributors sponsor
Exhibitors list | Ground Floor
01 | ECPE
02 | Fuji Electric Europe GmbH
03 | Omicron Lab
04 | GoMeasure
05 | HIOKI Europe GmbH
06 | Plexim
07 | Danfoss and Semikron Danfoss
10 | Typhoon HIL
11 | ITECH
12 | Altoo
13 | Keysight Technologies Inc.
14 | Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV
16 | PCIM Europe
17 | Opal-RT
18 | dSPACE
20 | Current OS
21 | Kohsel
22 | Nexperia
24 | Schneider Electric
37 | Rohde & Schwarz Danmark
39 | OpSens Solutions
41 | KK Wind Solutions
42| Hitachi Energy Denmark
43 | ModelingTech Energy Technology Co. Ltd
44 | imperix
47 | Frenetic
48 | Dovitech
49 | Wolfspeed
50 | PMK Mess- und Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
51 | IWATSU Test Instruments Europe GmbH
Exhibitors list | Lower Floor
25 | Leapers Semiconductor Co Ltd
27 | MathWorks
28 | Powersys
31 | ZES Zimmer Electronic Systems GmbH
32 |Yokogawa
33 | EGSTON Power Electronics
34 | InfraTec GmbH
35 | Metronic
36 |IEEE Power Electronics Society